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Услови и Правила во invisibleSHIELD

Кај овој Трговски партнер, ќе се земе нето вредноста на Вашето купување како основа за пресметката на Вашите предности од купувањето, бидејќи ова е стандардната исплата на овој Трговски партнер.

За invisibleSHIELD

While InvisibleShield established itself as the #1 selling screen protection, ZAGG wanted to look at ways to not only protect mobile devices, but enhance them, as well. In 2010, ZAGG pioneered Bluetooth®-enabled tablet keyboards, allowing consumers the option of using their tablet as a PC. Since then, ZAGG continues to lead the way in keyboard design by introducing groundbreaking innovations such as an intuitive channel tablet stand, island-style keys, and special function keys. These advancements were so beneficial that they have now become industry standards. In March 2015,
ZAGG introduced the industry-first foldable Pocket keyboard for smart phones. 

The next natural progression for ZAGG was to broaden its focus to other categories, offering a full line of mobile accessories for its customers so that they have everything they need from screen protection to power to audio.

ID на Трговски Партнер

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