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Online-Training Programs for B2B Sales


impact4sales offers online-Training programs for B2B Sales for self-studying.

The programs are very well developed based on experience collected over several years on both sides of the Atlantic. They stem from the expert skill of conducting hundreds of real-life training sessions with sales staff from multinational companies as well as SME. Today it’s all readily available at your fingertip in a convenient and condensed form. Take your laptop, log-on and start with one of the learning programs.

The courses are accessible from a video-library of 30+ animated clips of 4–12 Minutes each. You sign-up as member and get access to the library for your own training and studying in the office or at home, at your own pace. There are four levels: Free (for the first 7 lessons) and three paid levels (Starter, Plus, Premium) which have access to parts or the complete library. In addition, there are some eBooks and PDFs to download to support your advancement with sustainability.

You build tools to master the 7-step-sales-process for immediate application and become a sovereign sales professional with successful closures, going from salesperson to sales superstar and shine with new deals. With a customer-centric approach, you learn every step of the sales process.

You have access to the video-library with its bite-size lessons for a full year and can learn and study at you own pace in your own space, and access from anywhere. As a result, you build sales skills and confidence to achieve best results immediately and sustainably. Also includes individual support per email and personal training per Zoom-Call.

For corporations: Company specific ONSITE training programs. Customized training courses taught to groups of up to 20 participants per class. A program can consist of 3-8 training days, spaced out over a period of 2-4 months to produce sustainable results. Individuals learn sales training with a dedicated customer-centric approach in each step of the sales process. Sales management courses are held online, onsite and for tailored projects there is also hybrid forms of sales training.

Impact4Sales (impact4sales) is a brand owned and managed by x10 GmbH (LLC) Switzerland, a Swiss Company with Registration Number: CHE-418.831.161. Legal Entity Form: LLC (Limited Liability Company).

The company is producer of software solutions for

  • Retail sales stores, expanding their reach from the existing physical stores to a dedicated web-presence with online stores. X10 designs and implements tailored sales platforms (online shops) including payment processing systems

  • Online sales training programs for B2B sales performance. Impact4Sales is a leader in the industry when it comes to B2B virtual sales training courses that are made to meet the needs of salespeople in any industry today.

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