Seus Benefícios em ClickMeeting

  • 8,5% Cashback + 6% No total da sua compra (valor líquido)
  • Lojas Online
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Termos e Condições em ClickMeeting

This Merchant reserves the right to reconcile or adjust the value on any transaction that is attributed to another marketing channel.

Any offers, discounts, or promotional codes used from another site or from another source other than our website will void all member benefits for your transaction.

Do not contact the online merchant regarding your member rewards - please contact Member Service. Quaisquer ofertas, descontos ou códigos promocionais usados a partir de outro site ou de outra fonte que não seja a myWorld, todos os benefícios de afiliado serão anulados em sua transação. Ex: Newsletter e e-mails promocionais enviados por esta Empresa Parceira diretamente no e-mail do Afiliado.

Sobre ClickMeeting

ClickMeeting platform came to life in 2011 and throughout the years it established its position as a complete webinar solution for educational, business, and non-profit organizations of all shapes and sizes.

In the times of remote work and teaching online, we deliver the technology ideally suited for efficient collaboration, meetings, and online communication. We help thousands of teachers, trainers, marketers, salespeople, and managers worldwide to stay connected, share knowledge and experience, through running online events at every scale – from online meetings for up to 25 people, through webinars for up to 1K attendees, up to huge virtual events for up to 10K viewers.

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* A margem de benefícios depende dos produtos adquiridos na Empresa Parceira. Todas as informações do presente regulamento neste site são, portanto, sem garantia.