Ruslania Books Oy

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  • 1% Cashback + 8% No total da sua compra (valor líquido)
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Termos e Condições em Ruslania Books Oy

Please note this merchant will not accept order inquiries for missed sales. Please make sure you have followed all the proper steps for online shopping.

This Merchant reserves the right to reconcile or adjust the value on any transaction that is attributed to another marketing channel.

Any offers, discounts, or promotional codes used from another site or from another source other than our website will void all member benefits for your transaction.

Do not contact the online merchant regarding your member rewards - please contact Member Service.
Quaisquer ofertas, descontos ou códigos promocionais usados a partir de outro site ou de outra fonte que não seja a myWorld, todos os benefícios de afiliado serão anulados em sua transação. Ex: Newsletter e e-mails promocionais enviados por esta Empresa Parceira diretamente no e-mail do Afiliado.

Sobre Ruslania Books Oy

Ruslania is a 100% Finnish family business offering Russian and Ukrainian books, sheet music and magazines.
-Russian posters
-Russian wall calendars
-handmade scarves
The online shop has a wide range of payment options and shipping is always from Helsinki -anywhere in the world! For deliveries to Finland and Estonia we charge a maximum of 7 euros postage. Get Cashback and Shopping Points for every purchase. Welcome to Ruslania's online shop

Your Russian culture shop from Helsinki online! Ruslania is a Finland-based webstore specializing in importing and distributing Russian and Ukrainian written art: literature, text books of Russian language, books for children, dictionaries, sheet music, calendars, newspaper and magazine subscriptions. Please place your order online or contact us. Worldwide delivery!

«Руслания» один из крупнейших продавцов и дистрибьюторов русских и украиских книг и периодических изданий. Компания располагает, вероятно, самым крупным в мире каталогом российских нот. Доставка по всему миру! Обслуживание на русском языке.

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