Boodle Loans

您在 Boodle Loans 的福利

  • 65 ZAR Cashback + 50 Successful Loan Application
  • 接受
  • 网上购物
    使用此Partner 进行在线购物,并收取Benefits 。

Boodle Loans的条款和条件

Please not that benefits will only be paid out on a first time loan and not on reoccurring loans. 由于此合作商户采用标准奖励计划,你的消费奖励将会以消费净值(扣除税项后的总值)计算。

关于Boodle Loans

So, you’re doing this thing called life with all its ups and downs. And you’re doing pretty well… Until suddenly you’re not. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. Doesn’t mean you have to give up on your plans. We’ll help you with quick, safe, affordable Boodle to bridge the gap and get you back on track. It’s amazing what a big change a small difference can make.


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