
您在 AliExpress 的福利

  • 1% Cashback + 5% 关于您的购买总额(净额)
  • 接受
  • 网上购物
    使用此Partner 进行在线购物,并收取Benefits 。


Please note that it can take up to 72 hours till your purchases are visible in your cockpit.

We also ask you to be patient as some transactions might be verified after more than 90 days.

Please note, that with this Loyalty Merchant it is not possible to subsequently grant Member Benefits after the order has been made.
Please check your system configuration before you place your order to ensure that your browser has the correct cookie settings.


AliExpress is an online marketplace created by It is a global retail marketplace targeted at consumers worldwide. The platform enables consumers from around the world to buy directly from wholesalers and manufacturers in China and have access to a wide variety of products at competitive prices.


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* 有关奖赏百分比视乎所购买的商品及合作商户而定。因此,网页所显示的信息并没有绝对保证。