J's Nasorg en Sport Ontwikkeling Sentrum

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Loyalty benefits will only apply to monthly fees received before or on the 5th of each month.
Super Cashback will apply to payments made in advance for three months.


At J's Nasorg our capable staff will see that your child, completes his/her homework in a neat and correct manner. Learners receive additional exercises in the 3 major subjects; Maths, Afrikaans and English. Once a week Sotho classes are presented.

Learners also receive assistance in the preparation and completion of verbal and physical tasks. For grade 4 -7 learners, Friday afternoons are dedicated to making notes and summaries of the week's work.

J's aftercare also provides the following sport on site; Judo, Netball, hockey, cricket, rugby and athletics. Guitar, piano and swimming lessons are also available at an additional charge.

By J's Nasorg het ons bekwame personeel wat toesein dat u kind se huiswerk reg en netjies gedoen word. Skoliere kry weeklik ekstra oefening in die 3 belangrikste vakke, nl: Wiskunde, Afrikaans en Engels. 
Sotho klasse word een keer per week aangebeid.

Kinders verkry ook ondersteuning met voorbereiding vir beide fisiese en mondelinge skool take.
Vir graad 4 - 7 leerders Vrydae middae is wanneer leerders onder toesig en met ondersteuning opsommings doen vir die week se werk.  

J's Nasorg bied die volgende sport aktiwiteite aan op ons perseel; Judo, Netbal, hokkie, krieket, rugby en atletiek. Klavier , Guitar en swem kan teen a additionele fooi beoefen word. 

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