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Precious Tree Project (PTP) was established in July 2010, in Wilderness, out of the long term observation and recognition of the very real need to address climate change and the state of our natural environment. It was clear we needed to focus on the regeneration/regrowth of existing endemic and indigenous forest patches along the Garden Route (GR). For a multitude of reasons. Between 2010 and 2017 we concentrated on creating /recreating mini bio-mimicked endemic forest patches on private properties and smallholdings.
Definition of Precious: has great value, not to be wasted or treated carelessly – Oxford Dictionary
In 2017 we restructured PTP and “branched out” into a range of tree-planting initiatives for private land-owners, schools, corporate companies and small businesses. After the fires of June 2017, the decision was taken to convert PTP into a non-profit organisation (NPO 206-255) and restructure the way we do things in order to more effectively address the socio-economic and environmental challenges we are facing here. We have set up a number of programs in order to address and overcome these challenges.

Projects & Programs
Our vision is the regenerative development of the GR and the funds received are allocated to a range of programs and projects geared to achieve this vision. These projects & programs are ongoing and include:

Rehabilitation and Restoration Projects
Creating Mini Bio-Mimicked Forest Patches
Clearing and Biomass Control Program
School Environmental Educational Workshops and Tree Planting Program
Nursery Development Program
Community Training and Educational Workshops Program
Harvesting Program
Small Grants Program

If we want to plant out millions of trees, we need teams of planters to plant them out. To this end, we have created and are building teams of young local community members to participate in out tree planting and invasive tree clearing activities. This is an essential component of our vision insofar as we are creating employment opportunities for the local youth who otherwise struggle to find work in this seasonal economy. Learn more.
Mini-Satellite Nurseries
Growing and maintaining saplings under the same environmental and climatic conditions in which they will be planted out increases the rate of survival and also reduces the carbon footprint around transporting them to site. To this end we have established a number of mini-satellite nurseries along the Garden Route where many landowners in the community have shown a keen interest in participating in our vision! Learn more.
We have an active group of volunteers from across the globe who pitch up and get involved with our initiatives on a regular monthly basis – where they eagerly help clear invasive saplings, germinate seeds, ring bark non-indigenous trees in our riverines and plant precious indigenous forest trees.
We call them our VIP’s (Very Important Planters) since they show up with a spade/axe/panga or watering can, great enthusiasm, high energy levels and enormous gratitude for the opportunity to connect to our natural environment. Thank you, all of you – young and not-as-young, for helping us clear, maintain, nourish, feed and help our forests grow!

Join Our Community Rewards Shopping Programs
Bringing in consistent funding and donations into Precious Tree Project, as a not-for-profit organisation, can be very challenging. Particularly so when budgets are restricted, cashflow is low, the economy is suffering, and so on. Not to mention the other equally important charitable organisations across the country that also require financial support though sponsorship and donations. There are many incredible and worthy causes out there to support. While many individuals would like to support environmental, animal and human causes close to their heart, and more regularly than they do, time and/or money-to-charity is not always an available to them.
Precious Tree Project has been focusing on ways to bring in funds that do not involve financial contributions or fees! Our research has shown that a very effective way to do so, is by benefiting from our collective spending and shopping activities. When you sign up into one or both of our Shopping Rewards Programs, Precious Tree Project gets a percentage of your total shopping value every time you “swipe”. There are no costs involved on your side and both programs, in fact, offer additional benefits to you.
Our goal is 100 000 shoppers who are committed to spending a percentage of their budget at one of the many merchants partnering in our rewards programs!
We have partnered up with TWO Shopping Rewards Programs where PTP and its Community Rewards “Non Profit Partners” will benefit every time you shop! Registration is free!
With your consistent participation, where every swipe/mobile scan counts, our reforestation projects can go a long way in assisting the natural rehabilitation of our forest biome, increasing biodiversity, expanding the natural haven for our wildlife.
There are a number of other animal and environmental causes in the Garden Route that are also in need of funding and that are aligned with our own vision of health and upliftment for all living in the Garden Route … animals and humans alike. We have therefore partnered up with a number of these causes to help us expand our shopping rewards community and who, in doing so, will become beneficiaries themselves of the funds PTP receives from your participation.
All you need to do is sign up into either one or both of the rewards programs below and we will receive a percentage of your total shopping value. The best way to select the program you would like to join is to see which merchants in each program you shop at on a regular basis, download the app and register. No fees involved.
So join in and help us achieve our own goals of protecting our natural environment and our animals with out any cost to you … just your participation! HAPPY, MINDFUL SHOPPING!

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