KevLau Services

Cashback及Shopping Points

  • 2% Cashback + 8% 在您购买时
  • 接受
  • myWorld Card
    只需出示您的myWorld Card ,即可领取Benefits 。 
  • B2B
    使用此Partner 购物,并收取您的Benefits 。



Computer hardware, 3rd party software and other 3rd party goods or services are provided at cost and as such no benefits can be granted for these.


KevLau Services provide business services, leadership and IT services to select clients.

Business support includes:
- entrepreneurial coaching and mentoring
- business networking

IT support services include:
- computer hardware supply and maintenance
- network support
- laptop and desktop hardware and software support (Windows and Android)
- server hardware and software support (Windows)

IT support services are charged at a rate of R1095/hour (2024 tax year). Travel time is charged at the same rate.

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