Goju Karate

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Training Times on request
Dojo's in the major Centers through out South Africa
Cape Town , Durban, Johannesburg, Mossel bay

Cape Town Dojo -Milnerton
Adults times Monday & Wednesday 18.00-19.00
Kids Times Saturday 09.00-10.00am


Classic Okinawa Goju Ryu Martial Art system. One of the forerunners of today’s two most practiced Martial Art systems in the Western World.

General Information 
The system is designed to take down the opponent at close quarters and in as little time as possible.
Our intention through the practice of the Martial Arts is to develop individuals confidence and self-reliance and to contribute positively to society.

Our Martial Arts school practices Okinawa Goju Ryu in the classic form. This encompasses Kihon training, Kata, Bunkai and Randori (sparring).
Okinawa Classic Martial Arts and Okinawa Classic Kobudo 

Ladies & Mens self-defence
Classes for Adults & Children of all ages

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