Live2ahundred at Mojo

Cashback及Shopping Points

  • 2% Cashback + 8% 在您购买时
  • 接受
  • myWorld Card
    只需出示您的myWorld Card ,即可领取Benefits 。 
  • B2B
    使用此Partner 购物,并收取您的Benefits 。



All diagnostic genetic, laboratory or other tests are excluded from cashback.
Consultations with Medical Doctors associated with but not part of Live2ahundred, are excluded from cashback.Products and vitamins supplied by Live2ahundred are excluded from cashback.

Please email: health@live2ahundred for appointments or information or whatsapp only (no calls) 084 770 5943 for appointments or information.

For a FREE assessment of present health status, download, fill in and email back the system questionnaire.


Functional Medicine addresses genetics, nutrient status, lifestyle, stress and exercise and how these contribute to chronic disease and poor health.

Common complaints:
- Exhaustion
- Excess Weight
- Gut Disorders
- Auto Immune Conditions
- Insulin Resistance
- Anxiety and Depression
- Sleep Disorders
- Alcohol Challenges

We consult with and assess clients in great detail, in order to understand and address 'why' they developed the condition they are struggling with.  In some cases, we will take a cheek swab (no blood test) and send it for gene profiling (no cashback on this test) and then interpret the genes (cashback on the consult) to narrow down the contributing factors leading to poor health.

The process involves filling in an extensive questionnaire and then a 60-90-minute consult. (Cashback) A personal profile will be created based on all information and then there will be a follow up appointment to discuss the recommendations. (Cashback) We may work with medical doctors to support your profile plan. (No Cashback) (Lab tests and other external tests are also not included in cashback options)

We also lecture at events, either private or corporate, consult one on one or with groups.

Live2ahundred assists you every step of the way on your journey towards health and vitality.


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