Attitude Plus

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  • 1.5% Cashback + 8% 在您购买时
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    从Partner 扫描您的收据,myWorld App ,然后领取Benefits 。
  • myWorld Card
    只需出示您的myWorld Card ,即可领取Benefits 。 
  • B2B
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We have been in the Sports Promotions, Marketing and Merchandise Business for over 25 years. Our specialties are Sports Collectibles, Memorabilia, Merchandise, Travel and Hospitality. Travel packages are available here.

Assistance in fund raising is an integral part of Attitude Plus.

Our memorabilia changes on a regular basis, according to hot topics. We have a lot of one-off exclusive items that are not listed, and we can source items according to your requirements. Wayne 0027833996339 

We specialise in putting items together for your specific function, relating to your Guest Speakers and VIPs. We have incredible gift ideas, and items for board rooms, pubs, suites and hospitality areas.

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