Panthera Africa

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Panthera Africa is an ethical sanctuary for any captive bred big cats in need of rescue, and animal welfare is our top priority! The big cats will be protected and prosper for the rest of their lives at Panthera Africa!

One of Panthera Africa's main purposes is to be an educational platform where we create awareness about conditions big cats face in captivity, and how animal welfare and enrichment play a vital role in giving them the best captive life possible. We are a true sanctuary where no cub petting, breeding or trading takes place, and we take pride in speaking on their behalf!

Panthera Africa is open for you to come and enjoy the magnificent big cats! We are excited to tell you that we have lions, tigers, leopard and caracals that are waiting to meet you, your family and friends!We offer educational visits with us where you have the chance of capturing these beautiful animals and hear their unique heart felt stories, in addition to learning facts about the species themselves and the critical situations they are facing. Please see for more details, and make sure to pre-book!

We look forward to sharing our dream with you!

Open: Every day except Tuesdays
Winter Times: 10am and/or 3pm
Summer time: 9am and/or 4pm

Tel: 0711828368


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