Sharlie's Quantec Healing

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What is Quantum Healing?

Quantum Healing is choosing to alter our consciousness to access the quantum field with an intention to create health. The mind-body connection at sub-atomic level is changed by our awareness and can be used to promote the healing mechanism.

Quantum Healing can be done anywhere in the world, it does not matter where you are.

The term was first coined by Deepak Chopra, M.D. in his book "Quantum Healing" published in ... May 1989 ( Yes that's right: 20 years ago!). He wrote: "Therefore I would like to introduce the term quantum healing". He was describing instances where his clients spontaneously healed beyond what was expected by medicine when there is a "mind-body connection at sub-atomic level where awareness promotes a quantum leap in the healing mechanism."

By healing I mean the absence of pain or negative emotions which gives rise to peace, joy and creativity in all our actions. That is what you receive from all good healers.

 So what's so special about "Quantum" healing?

When we split the atom we realized there was a whole world INSIDE the atom, which is what scientists call the sub-atomic level. There we find the quanta (Plural quantum) which are an indivisible particle of matter.

What happens INSIDE this quantum field is mind boggling.

What we think of as our reality suddenly shoots down the Rabbit Hole and the world starts looking like Alice in Wonderland.

OK listen to what scientists say:

Matter can convert to energy and pure energy can convert to matter. The infinitely small is the same as the infinitely large.

The intention of the observer changes and creates the outcome of how the quantum behaves. At the subatomic level, we cannot observe something without changing it.

Sounds to me like wishful thinking come true: when you access the world at a sub-atomic level, your intention creates reality. It has been proven in scientific labs and you can read about all this at length. But I am not a scientist. I am a healer who has found a way to access the quantum field at will to make everyday life better by choosing positive intentions.

A 3 - 6 month treatment is recommended

To get started:

1. Please email a photo of yourself or from the object you want to be treated.    

2. Name and Surname

3. Date of birth

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