Shop Essentials

Cashback及Shopping Points

  • 3% Cashback + 6% 在您购买时
  • 接受
  • Scan & Go
    从Partner 扫描您的收据,myWorld App ,然后领取Benefits 。
  • myWorld Card
    只需出示您的myWorld Card ,即可领取Benefits 。 
  • B2B
    使用此Partner 购物,并收取您的Benefits 。



Please feel free to contact Jacques or Francisca regarding any deals advertised on our platform.


We offer a platform where entrepreneurs can showcase and sell their products. We strive to support local small and medium businesses to grow and flourish. 
We believe that SMEs in our country has a vital role in job creation. 
When you buy products from our site you don't help a CEO of a big company to buy another sports car, you help ordinary people support their families. 

Tel: 0798758249
Tel : 021 8868886

Martinson street 17, Stellenbosch


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* 有关奖赏百分比视乎所购买的商品及合作商户而定。因此,网页所显示的信息并没有绝对保证。