Reeds Jewelers

Your Benefits at Reeds Jewelers

  • 2% Cashback + 12% On your purchase total (net sum)
  • Accepted
  • Online Shopping
    Shop online with this Partner and collect your Benefits.

Terms and Conditions at Reeds Jewelers

Subscriptions and Gift Cards are not eligible for benefits. If your order contains this item, the entire order is not eligible.

This Merchant reserves the right to reconcile or adjust the value on any transaction that is attributed to another marketing channel.

Any offers, discounts, or promotional codes used from another site or from another source other than our website will void all member benefits for your transaction.

Do not contact the online merchant regarding your member rewards - please contact Member Service. This Loyalty Merchant uses the net value of your purchase as the basis to calculate your Shopping Benefits since this represents the standard type of compensation for this Loyalty Merchant.

About Reeds Jewelers

REEDS items come with the exquisite service and quality upon which REEDS has built its reputation since 1946.  Since its inception, REEDS Jewelers has been known for its exceptional line of fine jewelry, collectibles, customized and family jewelry, and watches. We offer a broad selection of diamond, precious and semiprecious gemstones, pearl, gold, sterling silver, titanium and platinum jewelry, charms, collectibles and gifts for every occasion and interest for women, men, teens and even children. REEDS also offers many exclusive lines of high-end jewelry as well as certified diamonds and beautiful value-priced jewelry to fit discerning shoppers of all budgets.  

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* The margin benefits are dependent on the products purchased and on the Loyalty Merchant. All hereto information on this website is therefore without guarantee.