Avantajele tale la Trip.com

  • 1% Cashback + 6% Hotels
  • 0,4% Cashback + 6% Flight
  • 0,75% Cashback + 6% Activities
  • 0,5% Cashback + 6% Train
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La acest partener comercial avantajele la cumpărături sunt calculate pe baza valorii nete a cumpărăturii, întrucât acesta este modul standard de decontare a avantajelor la acest partener comercial.

Despre Trip.com

With more than 1.4 million hotels in 200 countries and regions, we've built an extensive hotel network to give our customers a fantastic choice of accommodation. Our far-reaching flight network has over 2 million individual flight routes connecting more than 5,000 cities around the globe. When you combine this with our 24/7 English customer support and various other travel products, you can trust us to take care of your next trip.

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