Excelsior Global Invest Group

Cashback & Shopping Points

  • 1,5% Cashback + 8% Od sumy zakupu
  • Scan & Go
    Zeskanuj swój rachunek od tego Partnera w myWorld App i zapewnij sobie Benefits.
  • myWorld Card
    Zapewnij sobie Benefits, okazując swoją myWorld Card.



Creative Solutions
For every problem there is at least one solution. We provide solutions for start-ups and companies that want to excel their profits.

We professionally deal with the broadly understood optimization of customer activities - from business processes to legal and tax issues.

IT solutions
We create IT tools and solutions for specific needs of your company.

Acquiring investors
We acquire investors for your innovative projects.

Initial Coin Offering
We will prepare your project for ICO: tailor-made tokenomics & white paper plus nvestment and marketing with IT and events.

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