
  • 1% 现金回赠 + 8% 在您购买时
  • 接受
  • Scan & Go
    从Partner 扫描您的收据,myWorld App ,然后领取Benefits 。
  • myWorld Card
    只需出示您的myWorld Card ,即可领取Benefits 。 
  • B2B商务合作伙伴
    使用此Partner 购物,并收取您的Benefits 。


This Cashback or Shopping Points Apply to All normal table rate for all karaoke session !
Does not apply to all in-house promotions and membership package !
Kindly refer to reception counter or Whatsapp +6016-2333617 for clarifications , thanks!
Happy Karaoke-ing :)


First choice of family karaoke outlet in Kepong area with 33 trendy cosy rooms cater for different groups of K-lovers ! Offer karaoke packages from 2-3pax , 4-8pax , 9-12 to 13-18pax with free-flow self service unlimited drinks ! Head count or rooms charges at your choice and convenience. Best for gathering , celebrations, parties or even team building !
大甲洞區首選家庭量販式卡拉 OK 店,設有 33 間時尚舒適廂房,可滿足不同愛唱歌群體的需求,提供 2-3 人、4-8 人、9-12 至 13-18 人的卡拉 OK 配套,免費暢飲自助服務!人數收費或房閒收費任你選擇!朋友家人聚會娛樂, 團隊建設,給個理由自己大展歌喉,與親朋慼友共聚歡唱!

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