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God’s Delicious Pot 神来一锅 offers individual pot where everyone can choose their preferred combination of pot, soup base, meat and noodles/rice. There are a few types of pots here namely Roasted Pot, Selected Delicious Pot, Twin Soup Delicious Pot.

We proud of our customer satisfaction and the best testimony for this that we see returning customers even since 5 years ago. 
Now we can reward your loyalty with the free Cashback World membership.

神来一锅是台湾的自助餐模式, 这里有几种类型的锅,即火烤神锅,饱足锅,鸳鸯汤锅。
现在,我们可以通过免费的Cashback World会员奖励来回报您的忠诚度。

未能找到你在 God's Delicious Hot Pot 的消费?

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