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The undisputed yummiest ever Char-Siew Wantonmiin. Chunky Char-Siew, House Dark Sauce showered over Springy Wanton Mee serve with our famous also with Green Veggie.
Chunky Char-Siew prepared from selected pork belly, marinated with all natural ingredients and seasonings, No MSG nor Meat Tenderizer, char-grilled to perfection. 
Being made from fresh duck eggs and top grade flour, the Supreme are cooked to springy, medium softness textured.
Selected Pork Belly with the right proportion of fat and flesh are minced and marinated with our all natural ingredients concoction to give it the smooth and rich flavoured texture. 
Also, the not to be missed, the Nanyang Favorites... Authentic Curry Noodles, Shrimp Dumpling Noodles, Dry Curry Pork Ribs, Nasi Lemak...
Not forgetting also the Roasted Pork Wantonmiin, Roasted Ducks, Chickens, White Chickens, Mushrooms Chicken Feet, Black Fungus Fried Pork Belly Stew...


全程碳火煨(烤)純天然香料醃製的特選花腩 搭配全鴨蛋雲吞麵 淋上一瓢獨門秘方醬汁 入口香濃 鬆軟 滋味難忘

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