Avantajele tale la Tessabit

  • 3,5% Cashback + 12% La suma cumpărăturii tale (net)
  • Acceptat
  • Online-Shopping
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Condiții la Tessabit

La acest partener comercial avantajele la cumpărături sunt calculate pe baza valorii nete a cumpărăturii, întrucât acesta este modul standard de decontare a avantajelor la acest partener comercial.

Despre Tessabit

Tessabit is a high-end boutique that has been at the cutting edge of luxury fashion since its inception in Lake Como, Italy, in 1953. With a sumptuous collection of brands both for men and women, Tessabit really is the only place you'll need to shop.
Founded and operated by the Molteni family for over five decades, the philosophy behind Tessabit from the outset has been to provide high quality clothing and accessories from around the globe.With some of the world's most coveted brands such as Balenciaga, Dolce & Gabanna, Prada, Gucci and Givenchy, Tessabit is every fashion fan's dream whether man or woman. Tessabit believes that fashion should be an investment. That's why the entire collection consists of the most desirable brands and pieces that you'll love enough to wear year after year.

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