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Pie šī lojalitātes partnera Jūsu iepirkšanās priekšrocības tiks aprēķinātas no Jūsu pirkuma neto cenas, jo tie ir standarta ieņēmumi šim lojalitātes partnerim.

Par Greece and Grapes

Greece and Grapes was created by a group of passionate people for Greek wine and its producers, who have made significant progress in winemaking during the last years. We believe that Greek wine and spirits meet all the requirements to play a major role in the international wine and spirits market and leave their mark as top quality products.
Even with the majority of Greek vineyards being relatively small in size, producers have been able to utilize local and international grape varieties, the ideal climate and modern winemaking techniques to produce top quality wines. The Assyrtiko variety from Santorini, Agiorgitiko from Nemea, Xinomavro from Naoussa, Moschofilero from Mantineia and other less widely known varieties from other areas are already recognized in the international wine scene.
Greece and Grapes offers a friendly environment where you can explore the Greek vineyard, get to know its particularities and eventually select your wines in a secure environment with the best prices!

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