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  • 1,5% Cashback + 6% Standard
  • 1% Cashback + 6% Laptops, Computers and Accessories
  • 1% Cashback + 8% Smart Home/Electronics
  • 1,5% Cashback + 8% Sports Equipment
  • 2,5% Cashback + 12% Fashion
  • 0,5% Cashback + 6% Phones & Accessories
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Noteikumi un nosacījumi pie Geekbuying.com

Pie šī lojalitātes partnera Jūsu iepirkšanās priekšrocības tiks aprēķinātas no Jūsu pirkuma neto cenas, jo tie ir standarta ieņēmumi šim lojalitātes partnerim.

Par Geekbuying.com

GeekBuying - it is a professional and reliable online store founded in 2012, which specializes in selling electronics: TV set-top boxes, smartphones, tablets, video recorders and other gadgets (more than 10,000 products in 14 major categories). As the name implies, GeekBuying popular with hundreds of thousands of geeks around the world.

GeekBuying team focused on customer needs, meet their needs and trying to exceed their expectations.

GeekBuying.com was created to present to the world the most interesting gadgets at incredibly low prices. 

We know that online shopping has become very popular around the world these days, but at the same time making a purchase on-line, you lose some highlight the real process of shopping. In GeekBuying we have tried to create such an online store to your purchases have been for you in the joy. 
It does not matter, you are a geek or not, you will certainly enjoy shopping in GeekBuying. We work with all the dedication that each time to surpass your expectations. 
Make a purchase and see it!

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