Jūsu priekšrocības pie Qatar Airways

  • 16 EUR Cashback + 36 >2000€
  • 12 EUR Cashback + 45 >1500€
  • 10 EUR Cashback + 25 >1000€
  • 5 EUR Cashback + 12,5 >500€
  • 1,3 EUR Cashback + 1 >100€
  • Pieņem
  • Iepirkšanās internetā
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Noteikumi un nosacījumi pie Qatar Airways

Pie šī lojalitātes partnera Jūsu iepirkšanās priekšrocības tiks aprēķinātas no Jūsu pirkuma neto cenas, jo tie ir standarta ieņēmumi šim lojalitātes partnerim.

Par Qatar Airways

Qatar Airways is proud to be one of the youngest global airlines to serve all six continents, and thanks to our customers’ response to our offerings, we are also the world’s fastest-growing airline. We connect more than 160 destinations on the map every day, with a fleet of the latest-generation aircraft, and an unrivalled level of service.

Since our launch in 1997, Qatar Airways has earned many awards and accolades, becoming one of an elite group of airlines worldwide to have earned a 5-star rating by Skytrax. Voted Airline of the Year by Skytrax in 2011, 2012, 2015 and most recently in 2017, Qatar Airways has won the confidence of the travelling public.

Lojalitātes partnera-ID

Nevarat atrast savu pirkumu Qatar Airways?

* Priekšrocību apmērs var mainīties atkarībā no iegādātajām precēm un lojalitātes partnera. Tādējādi visa šajā mājaslapā norādītā informācija ir paredzēta tikai ilustratīviem mērķiem.