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Ricerca, sperimentazione e invenzione sono le chiavi di lettura di un brand nato nel 2007 da un’idea forte e coraggiosa. Tie-ups rilegge il concetto tradizionale di cintura per dar vita ad un accessorio portatore di valori nuovi: l’utilizzo di materiali non convenzionali e la massima estensione delle possibilità creative insite nell’oggetto. Una filosofia che nel 2008 dà vita alla prima cintura completamente realizzata in materiali plastici, risultato di un processo articolato in più tappe: dalla ricerca di materiali all’avanguardia capaci di garantire al prodotto caratteristiche uniche alla cura del design, dallo studio delle modalità di personalizzazione alla creazione dei primi modelli destinati a differenti utilizzatori. Le possibilità creative insite nel concept del prodotto portano negli anni seguenti a nuove declinazioni, che traducono in forme e ispirazioni diverse l’originale visione di Tie-ups. Research, experibrand originated from a strong and bold idea in 2007. Tie-ups reinterprets the mentation and invention are the keys for understanding a traditional concept of belt to give birth to an accessory bringing new values - the use of unconventional materials and the maximum gamut of the object’s inner creative possibilities. A philosophy that created the first belt wholly made of plastics in 2008. It was the result of a multi-stage process, including the research on cutting-edge materials capable of guaranteeing unique features, the attention to design, the study of customization options, and the creation of the first models targeted to different users. The creative possibilities with which the concept is endowed led in the following years to the development of new products, which convey the original Tie-ups vision through diversified shapes and inspirations Tie-ups originates from the association of innovative materials to the belt - the strap is made of elastomeric thermoplastic and the buckle is made of transparent polycarbonate. Technological materials for a high structural quality Tie-ups is a high-quality fashion accessory wholly conceived and produced in Italy. All the parts of which Tie-ups is composed, including the elegant pack, are thoroughly developed both on the design side and the manufacturing side, and make the final product a luxury accessory. The construction materials used for Tie-ups are, first of all, safe: the product is antibacterial and hypoallergenic. It is resistant to torsion and traction, and it is completely waterproof. Tie-ups is an ecological product as it does not use materials of animal origin. It is 100% environmentally friendly in that all its parts are wholly recyclable and do not leave any waste.

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