Taste and Slow Italy

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    Vantaggi personalizzati tra imprese convenzionate


Termini e condizioni

I vantaggi non sono riconosciuti su: biglietteria (aerea, marittima, ferroviaria, bus), assicurazioni, quote d’iscrizione, adeguamento carburante, diritti d’agenzia


Taste and Slow Italy — Italian Tour Operator — will allow you not only to discover the best Italian destinations, even to establish contact with the real Italian lifestyle. Authentic travel solutions, for agencies, tour operators and individual travelers, specializing in fully personalized tours and tailored to your individual interests. Being located right at the centre of Italy -on the border between Umbria, Lazio and Tuscany- we can easily provide you with the most enchanting locations, accommodation and services all over Italy. The utmost attention to details, highly personalized service, the reliability of carefully selected suppliers over the years and our long experience are our strength points. Our Italian professional brand is recognized in the web as reliable and qualified. Award winning and accredited by the Chamber of Commerce. A potential partner should consider a distinctive detail: a Technical Director leads our company. Italian Government authority confers this job title. Every package and tour organized is steady secure and reliable. An important added value indeed in terms of expertise.

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