英記茶莊 Ying Kee Tea House


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英記茶莊始創於1881年,由陳朝英先生創辦,因而取名「英記」。1960年,「英記」於香港自設工場。「英記」已經歷四代,也成為歷史悠久及家傳戶曉的茶莊,並且馳名海外,所有產品同時暢銷世界各地。 英記茶莊產品包括普洱、巖茶、香茶、綠茶、白茶等。店舖亦有不同種類茶具供顧客選擇。為確保茶葉質素,資深老師傅嚴選各地名茶,再以豐富的經驗及獨家的調配方法加以挑選及配製。每個工序,皆由茶師嚴格監控。因此,選購者均愛不釋手,品嘗者則回味無窮。 擁有超過135年歷史的英記茶莊,已成功獲取香港名牌、商界展關懷、ISO9001、傑出企業策略大獎2009等獎項。

Ying Kee Tea House was established by Mr. Chan Chau-Ying in 1881.. It was so called YING KEE in the name of Mr. CHAN. For business development, Ying Kee Tea House set up her own workshop in Hong Kong in 1960s Ying Kee Tea House provides variety of tea, including Pu-erh Tea, TehKuan Yin, Jasmine Tea, Green Tea and White Tea, and distinctive teaware. To provide the best quality products, YING KEE only selects finest tea and blends with exclusive formula. Furthermore, the tea-making processing is strictly controlled by experienced tea masters. As a result, the types and taste of tea made by YING KEE has a distinctive feature making it the best choice for tea lovers. With 130 year of history, Ying Kee Tea House successfully achievedHong Kong Top Brand Awards, Caring Company Logo, ISO9001, Outstanding Corporate Strategy Awards 2009 and more.

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