Mindful Change

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Does it feel like there’s an invisible cap stopping you from experiencing the success and income you’re working hard to earn? Or do you feel like you already have LOTS of success but there is a happiness factor missing. Or perhaps there is some aspect of your life that brings you down - could be your marriage, your relationships to other people, your relationship to your team or your relationship to life in general.

If you’re an entrepreneur, your income and lifestyle depend on your ability to consistently grow your business. But if you’re working to get ahead without addressing limiting beliefs and mindsets, it can feel like you’re always right on the edge of a breakthrough that just never happens.

It’s hard to grow to the level you want when your subconscious beliefs are sabotaging your conscious goals and dreams, but emotional and mental blocks happen to even the best and brightest entrepreneurs. In fact, the more radical the difference between your dream lifestyle and the one you lived as a child, the bigger the blocks are.

Your success — both personal and business — flows from the fabric of your upbringing and experiences. Woven into that fabric are beliefs that formed long before your dreams did. Some of them come from your parents, peers, and teachers, while some of them are things you learned to protect yourself from unpleasant childhood situations.

Regardless of how they formed, your mind uses them as a blueprint for everything you do. Yes, everything you do. And some of those old beliefs and thoughts are rooted so deeply that you don’t even know they’re there.

However, it’s possible to find them…and change them.

With Heather Elliott’s Mindful Change process, how you alter and rise above the limiting beliefs you carry with you becomes a matter of choice — yours, and yours alone.

Since 2005, Heather has helped hundreds of individuals make powerful, permanent shifts in their lives by changing the beliefs they carry — both conscious and unconscious — that maintain their experience of the world.

In their personal lives, Heather’s clients feel better and resolve all manner of insecurity, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, unhappiness, sadness, etc.

In their businesses, entrepreneurs that experience the Mindful Change process blast through old income caps, face challenges in ways that result in positive changes and outcomes, get out of their own way and have the freedom to create the business of their dreams, and learn to focus on the right things in order to earn more and have the free time to enjoy it.

With Mindful Change, you will discover the power of transforming limiting beliefs and the results that transformation brings to you as you create the life you want, the business you desire, and the skills to empower whatever you touch.

Heather Elliott created Mindful Change when her business wasn’t growing the way she expected it to. All the things she learned in business school sounded great during the lectures, but starting and running her own business quickly showed her that there were many holes.

It left her with questions.

  • Why can two people use the same business building tool but only one of them has success with it?

  • How did one business break 6-figures in a few months while another took 5 years and still another folded?

  • Why does it sometimes feel like I’m banging my head on a glass ceiling that I just can’t get through?

If you’re like Heather, you’ll be relieved to know that all of those questions have answers and solutions. Unlike her, it won’t take YOU years to find them. Because once she realized that most of the struggles she experienced didn’t have to happen at all, Heather started sharing her process with others.

Mindful Change helps entrepreneurs like you find, work through, and eliminate limiting beliefs that sabotage dreams and cap income. The Mindful Change process frees you to become the most successful version of ‘you’ possible while finally enjoying the life and lifestyle you’ve always wanted to live.

With Mindful Change you’ll:

  • TRANSFORM limiting belief systems, mindsets, and old emotional programming so that you’re not consciously trying to move forward and subconsciously applying the brakes at the same time

  • FOCUS on the RIGHT THINGS to maximize your effectiveness and minimize your time requirements so you’re earning more and able to play more, too

  • CHANGE your reality in a way that gives you room to grow and create the business of your dreams

  • BE the power behind your business success instead of its limiting factor

  • LEARN to identify  the behaviors and attitudes you need to change in order to laser-focus your actions for success

  • FACE CHALLENGES in ways that result in positive changes and outcomes

With Heather’s guidance and uncanny ability to focus and work with a variety of clients with different needs, she is able to transform limiting mindsets and belief systems that are directly linked to their businesses — opening new doors and freeing them to achieve a much greater potential.

When you’re ready to engineer the best version of ‘you’ possible, Mindful Change is your trusted, tested, and fastest route there.


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