KK Health Solutions

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  • 1% Cashback + 12% On your purchase
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Ecco, Marrell, New Balance, Hush Puppies shoes, Retail and Wholesale.


*****  下面有中文说明  *****

KK Health Solutions is a shoe store that carries brand name merchandise from Europe and America. It also provides compression support stockings and socks designed for your health and comfort.

Ways of shopping:

1)         In store

2)         Refer to the websites below,order your desired products from KK Health Solutions through phone and email


**KK Health Solutions is an authorized retail dealer for the brands below.


1.         Clarks               http://www.clarkscanada.com/

2.         Ecco                  http://www.eccocanada.com/

3.         MBT                  mbt.com CANADA

4.         Merrell              http://www.merrell.com/CA/en

5.         New Balance  http://www.newbalancevancouver.ca/


Compression support stockings and socks:

a)         SIGVARIS

   i.              15-20 mmHg: Suitable for all kinds of people

  ii.              20-30mmHg, 30mmHg & above:Must have doctor’s notes

b)         JobST

  i.              15-20 mmHg: Suitable for all kinds of people

  ii.              20-30mmHg, 30mmHg & above:Must have doctor’s notes



2800 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC, V6X 2B3, Canada

Tel: 001 604-998 8609

Email: kkhealth8@gmail.com



KK Health Solutions 是一家专营欧美中高档名牌鞋子,及足腿部护理产品的专门店。

KK Health Solutions 会定时专门针对Cashback World会员进行促销活动,敬请Cashback World会员随时留意。


Cashback World会员在KK Health Solutions 购买商品,除固定享受Cashback World会员所应享受的Cashback World反点外,同时还可以在针对Cashback World特别促销期间享受更多折扣。



1.         Cashback World 会员除可以亲自登门到KK Health Solutions 选购商品外;

2.         还可以参考以下网址,将自己心仪的产品记录下来,通过电话、Email向KK Health Solutions订购;

3.         KK Health Solutions 是下列所有品牌的授权经销商,因此只要Cashback World会员在下列网站上看好的商品,一般情况下,KK Health Solutions 都可以为Cashback World会员订到。




1.         Clarks (其乐)              http://www.clarkscanada.com/

2.         Ecco (爱步)                 http://www.eccocanada.com/

3.         MBT                                    mbt.com CANADA

4.         Merrell (麦乐)            http://www.merrell.com/CA/en

5.         New Balance                   http://www.newbalancevancouver.ca/


其足腿部护理产品以高弹力长、短袜(Compress Stocking)为主:

1.         适用人群:

a)         在工作中,需要长时间站立、行走或坐;

b)         长时间的运动项目:如足球、网球、高尔夫球、登山等;

c)         长途旅行者:连续乘坐或驾驶,飞机、汽车超过4小时以上者;

d)         静脉曲张(varicosity)等病变的病人;

2.         主要功效:

a)         减少血液在下肢静脉内的淤积,降低血栓形成的可能性,促进血液循环;

b)         降低疲劳感;

c)         对下肢静脉病变者:减缓病变发展速度;

d)         对健康人士:避免静脉曲张的发生(应为静脉曲张是一种不可逆的病变)

3.         主要品牌:

a)         SIGVARIS

  i.              15-20 mmHg: 适用于所有人士;

  ii.              20-30mmHg, 30mmHg及以上:适合于有医生证明的、有需要的人士;

b)         JobST

  i.              15-20 mmHg: 适用于所有人士;

  ii.              20-30mmHg, 30mmHg及以上:适合于有医生证明的、有需要的人士;



KK Health Solutions

2800 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC, V6X 2B3, Canada

Tel: 001 604-998 8609

Email: kkhealth8@gmail.com

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* The margin benefits are dependent on the products purchased and on the Loyalty Merchant. All hereto information on this website is therefore without guarantee.