Business Coach & Speaker

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Jen Harwood is a local and national award winning business coach. She's worked with over 1100 businesses in 5 countries. They business owners she works with fit into 3 categories of needs and problems they face.

1. Business Growers
Mission: You want better growth, profit and leverage. This is the time to reap the reward of your innovation and get this business cracking !
Problems they face: Time, Team, Biz Plan, Burnout, CashFlow, Profit
Business has been established 3+ years
Turnover $500k – $5 mil 
Growing pains – cashflow, staff, time, leadership, management
Want more profit as your wages aren't very high
You need to increase sales and maybe you're the best at selling in the team or you're not the best person to run the sales team.
You need to delegate better and you don't have time to do it
Your excited and frustrated as you're the most inspiring person in your team, friends, peers and yet, you still need a push and motivation to be GREAT.
We love working with Growers as they are the business owners that are UNSTOPPABLE in making things happen. When you get a coach, you have no-where to hide, you start taking massive action and creating the results you've wanted for ages. Being the best (in a little pond) is only good for your ego, it wont give you profits, lifestyle and the success you really want. Get a coach to get you into and then win in the bigger league of your industry. Book a free, no obligation business coaching session, book a time directly into Jen's Calendar here:

2. Business Startup
Mission: Get your idea into reality. Make more income in a business than through a job!
Problems they face: No Business Plan, No Accountability, Needs Momentum
Husband and Wife – one has a real job!
Turnover up to Zero - $500k
You've been successful in job/business before
You are doing it all by yourself
You are working 80-100 hours on the business
You are a bit weird... you talk only about the business
You are not getting the sales results you need, hence cashflow is not very good
We love working with Start-ups. We've been through it ourselves several times and worked with hundreds just like you. We will get your sales moving, your planning in place and give you the accountability your loved ones were reluctant to provide you. You've invested in this business, so lets start making it work for you. Book a free, no obligation business coaching session, book a time directly into Jen's Calendar here:

3. Business Rock Stars
Mission: Leverage your knowledge, make lots of money and do it for as long as you can !
Problems they face:  No support, No Business Plan, Big Ego!
Any age - usually over 35 as you've got some expertise by now
Male or Female
Turnover +100k
Brilliant at what you do
Cant seem to hold focus for long as they innovate way too much
Been in business for a short or long time and it's never really gotten off the ground. You're getting by, however for the work and effort that's going in you should be getting a much better return.
Your loved ones keep telling you to get a proper job!
Book a free, no obligation business coaching session, book a time directly into Jen's Calendar here:
Jen enjoys seeing business owners and their families make more profit, have more time for the important occasions in their lives and build strong communities. For more information about Jen visit 

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